These are the people in Cobham and Luddesdowne Churches
Priest-in Charge, Associate Priest, Churchwardens and others who are in Lay Ministry in our Churches
Priest-in-Charge - The Revd Canon Alyson Davie. For Funeral enquiries please contact
by email:- Phone no:- 01474 812068 (Rest Day:-Friday)
Associate Priest - The Revd Pam Davies. For Weddings, Baptisms and all other enquiries contact
by email:- Phone no:- 01474 394515
(Work days are currently Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday)
Cobham Church Warden - Hilary Morgan-Savage - phone no (01634) 723027
Pastoral Assistant for Cobham and Luddesdowne - Janet Weaver - phone no (01732) 823936
Church Office - email:- phone no (01474) 813495